Tuesday, March 1, 2011

My Bucket List!!

This piece of blog, I would like to update as and when it hits me and when I nail it. This will be my bucket list. My list of things to do before I add myself to the fertility of this soil. I am just another human with just another list of wishes. So here I put them down.
I don’t know how many I would be able to complete or how silly it might seem in some years from now. But nevertheless this is where I let myself go. This is where I say, I have done it all. This is where I will say, I know I will rest in peace.
1. Buy a bullet, a leather jacket, a RayBan aviator and a canon SLR camera.
2. Travel to Himalayas and back in the bullet with my friends. Take as many pics as possible. Want to make an album for a life time.
3. Go around with my parents on a one month long world trip, followed by taking them to all those sacred places in India. Want to see them happy and laughing.
4. Bungee Jumping and Sky Diving are a must.
5. Trek to Agasthyarkoodam, Vayanadu, Manasarovar, (Will fill the list as and when I recollect them)
6. Places to see - Almost all visitable places in all states in India. US n UK already done. Left Africa(Madagascar if possible), Australia, Dubai, Egypt, Rome, Paris, Srilanka.
7. Have booze to the level of no prevalence of senses for one night.
8. Make something out of the group X5ive. It is a group of 9 good friends now. Want to make the group count for a good course, something that would help people who are not as fortunate as we are. Something that we would all be proud to be passing onto the next generation. A good will ambassador our group will be.
Will make the list bigger and bigger.. :)