Monday, February 28, 2011

RIP N73, Reality Check!!

Finally my mobile phone died on me. After all the torture it has been through for the past 4 years it had been with me, it decided to leave me for good. I used to carry it around with me all the time. But this time, I forgot to take it out of my pocket and suffocated it to death in soap water. Cruel me!!

It was my first phone, which I bought with my own earned money. My first own possession with my own money. It had come with me wherever I traveled, for the past 4 years. And it has played a role in my life, which is by no comparison, minuscule in nature. It helped me emote, talk, erase away distances, with a few fights, comfort, support and helped me stay close to family n friends. Its only when something passes away, that you tend to realize the real value of them. I guess this is one of those moments.

Now I know, if at all anyone reads this, would think that, how more silly can he get to write about the loss of his mobile phone. But I thought I should make a note of this time. This is the time when I felt how hard it is to lose something that you earned. Had I brought a new phone, when this was still alive I would have never thought in this way. I guess the same is with human relations also. If you are the one walking away, then I guess you would never know the loneliness and the vacuum you left behind. You have to be the person who is stranded in the middle of nowhere, when you believed the other person would be there for you forever even to the level of taking it for granted, that you feel alone. I guess I did that to many without even realizing it. And when the reality bites you, it bites you hard. It leaves you in a state where you cannot do anything about it, other than just watch the consequences of it, unfold in front of you. I only hope that it is true, when I say 'its never late'.

I started writing this piece of blog under the name RIP N73. But I guess that name would no longer suit, because it never occurred to me to write the previous paragraph, when I started on this particular entry. I guess I get too carried away at times :). But I guess a reality check is always the need of the hour, to keep yourself real!!!